Sunday, June 5, 2016

Dear Humans.

Religion is neat. I have nothing against it at all. After all, it was Christian morality that formed my character, you know, the good old theological virtuesーfaith, hope, love. However, extremitism and all sorts of religious fanaticism destroyed the very core of what religion is all about. Religion coming from the words "re" which means "again" and "ligare" which means "to bind" supposed to bind us all again. Instead, it is starting to take the opposite route. In fact, it has always been a favorite source of conflict. It is causing us to fall apart as a lot of conflicts, wars, oppressions and persecutions come from the differing views on matters like religion. I understand that we all differ in beliefs. I, for one, believe that there is at least one diety and I believe that it is beyond my capability to truly know his identity. A lot of people may not agree but I'm a rational human being who knows better not to go on a killing spree just because these people disagree.

Bill Hicks once said, "Beliefs are neat. Cherish them. But don't share them like it's the truth."

I believe that everyone holds a different reality than others. I live in my own reality and you live in yours. Time had brought me here and different events in my life had shaped my philosophical views and religious beliefs. This is my reality. The things I experienced did not happen to you and I did not experience the things that happened to you either. We each stand from different perspectives. What is real to you might not be real to me and what is real to me might not be real to you but this doesn't make anything less real.

Our beliefs are made up of all the realities we have lived and these beliefs make up our existence. Mocking one's beliefs is like mocking one's existence. I understand where all these anger come from when one is being humiliated for his beliefs. It's like being treated less significant than the others. It's like questioning one's ability to perceive things. It's like a jab at one's self-esteem.

I am not saying we should kiss each others' ass. I am not saying that we must accept everything as truth. Of course, we can question the logical reason behind each belief but we must posses the motive of attaining deeper understanding for another person by looking at things from a different angle. It's always one's motive that makes or breaks a person's image. Did you ask to inquire or did you ask to reply?

If we could just drop all our claims of infallibility, believe me, if we just look at people closely and listen to what they have to say with an open mind, we will be astounded at how people are so profound at what they see and feel. The human mind will give us a teensy bit of idea of how endless our universe is and the human mind is only a tiny fraction of the universe! Hell, we may even have thousands of universe, a multiverse, if you would like to call it. But I digress.

You may ask what exactly my point is. Well, I don't have a point. This was not written to prove anything. This is an appeal to all rational beings out there. I am aware that there are countless of ideas that it is almost impossible to avoid any type of conflict but we must not forget that we are given the gift of rational thinking. So is it possible, by any chance, that we use this gift to decently and intelligently discuss an issue without subjecting one another to mockery? My answer is yes. Absolutely possible.

"You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one." -John Lennon

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